第五人格回应版权问题 黎明杀机制作人将成为游

游戏排行榜 2022-12-01 13:40www.1788989.com游戏技巧




公司旗下两位知名制作人Mathieu Cote及中国区管理Alex Lin将在未来以玩法顾问的身份,在我们制作《第五人格》并使其更加地全球化的过程中提供建议。也正是因为他们的指导,《第五人格》将会成为一款继后流行的非对称竞技游戏。


NetEase self-developed mobile game "Identity V" has hit No.1 on App Store in China on the Free Chart soon after released. We also plan to bring this product to the world outside China. As a well-known game studio in Canada, Behaviour Digital develops games such as "Dead by Daylight" and the newly announced "DEATHGARDEN". During the development of "Identity V",Behaviour Digital's Game Director Mathieu Cote and Product Manager Alex Lin, as game consultants, will provide input on and advise the production and globalization of "Identity V". Thanks to Behaviour’s guidance, "Identity V" will be an engaging asymmetrical multiplayer game in a genre popularized by "Dead by Daylight".

BEHAVIOUR®, DEAD BY DAYLIGHT®, DEATHGARDENTM and other related marks and logos are trademarks of Behaviour Interactive Inc. in Canada, the United States of America and/or other countries.

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